Best Folding Magnetic Upright Bike

Exerpeutic Folding Magnetic

Exerpeutic folding magnetic reviews
At the start of every year, we all make New Year’s resolutions. The first thing most, if not all, of us have on our list is to be healthier this year and actually exercise. We get so pumped on making this change that many of us decide to join a gym, take fitness classes, or start working out at home. We feel that this is the year where all our fitness and wellness dreams will come true.

After a few weeks, most of us revert back to our old habits unconsciously. We make excuses for not continuing our healthy routine. Oh I am too busy with work this week; I’ll go back to exercising next week. I am just taking a break for a few days. I have a few parties/gatherings this week and we're eating out so I might as well give myself the week off. I have way too much going on in my life right now that the stress is overwhelming me, so I’ll go back when I am less stressed. This is usually followed by eating a pint of ice cream to make ourselves feel “better”.

Most of us usually do this, we have a bad day and we compensate by indulging in comfort food. It’s not a bad thing to indulge once in a while but for most of us once we start we think that there is no going back. I made a mistake of eating too much of this one food that’s not great for me so I might as well continue with my bad eating, I can make it up tomorrow. There are also those we say, I ate too much of something so greasy and bad for me, I’ll just go super hard at the gym tomorrow. The funny thing is, for most people, tomorrow never comes.

We keep pushing it off for later and before we know it another year has passed. In that year those that have joined fitness classes or a gym usually pay around $30-$50 a month, which adds up to being $360-$600 a year. We probably use the services for only a few months out of the year which wastes hundreds of dollars that we probably could have used for other living expenses. If at the end of the year we realize this, we usually move towards wanting to cancel the enrollment or membership. Most fitness places charge you anywhere from $60-$100 for canceling the membership, and nobody has that kind of money laying around so the cycle of being billed monthly usually continues and the services go pretty much unused. Now I am not saying everyone does this but quite a large amount of people do. For those that workout at home, they usually end up falling off the bandwagon due to lack of time, equipment, and other family obligations. Some may even purchase home equipment to use but it ends up taking too much space or it sits there as a hamper for your clothes.

Now as much as we all love the idea of having an exercise machine in our home, the truth is, most of them are quite bulky. A lot of us live in small spaces where we don’t have room for any large contraptions, and we may not be sure of how to use the equipment properly. So ideally we want something that requires minimal effort, takes up less space, and easy enough that we can use on a scheduled basis. Now stationary bikes are the easiest machines to use, most of us know how to ride a bike (it might have been years since we’ve done it but that’s another matter). The only problem is they take up too much room an can have protruding pieces where you probably will end up stubbing your toes in the middle of the night, which cause more resentment towards that machine. This is where the Exerpeutic foldable magnetic stationary bike comes into play.

This is probably the most ideal equipment to have in your home. The most amazing this about it is that it folds so you can store it in a closet or in the corner of your room without having to worry about bulky machinery hanging around the house. It is not complicated and has a simple display that can read your heart rate, which is great. It gives you the feeling of the gym while at home. There is no electricity being used so your bill isn’t higher. The seat is very soft and quite large so you won’t feel pain in your behind from sitting on it too long. It holds up to 300 pound of weight so there is no need to worry about weighing too much to use this machine. It targets main points on your body; the legs, the thighs, the gluts, and the stomach core muscles all without exerting too much pressure. It is a low impact exercise so for those that have joint issues due to whatever reason, this will not cause flare ups in your joints. Exercise is known to reduce your mental stress levels and can make you feel happier. Also, you can use it whenever you want, you don’t have to worry about the weather or the time of day. This bike is suitable to any lifestyle; whether you work day/nights, from home, or are a stay at home parent. Best of all it will save you hundreds of dollars that are wasted at the gym or fitness classes over the course of a year. The results you will get will pay off for the cost of the bike as it’s not pricy to begin. 

There are a few down points to this equipment. The display does require 2 AA batteries that probably need to be changed every month depending on how frequently you use it. Since it is foldable some of us may not have space to store the folded machine. Lastly it only holds up to 300 pound of weight so if you weigh more than 300 pounds than this is probably not safe for you to use.

Overall this machine is ideal for those that want some kind of exercise equipment at home to be able to use whenever you want. There are a lot more pros to this piece of equipment, and it’s worth your time and effort to invest in this machine instead of paying large amounts of money to gyms and special fitness classes that don’t really adapt to your lifestyle. Remember it’s your life and the healthier you are the less stress your body will have to endure. Go chase that wellness dream and good luck!

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